GSA Unveils Design for New Federal Courthouse in Huntsville
GSA Newsroom
Excerpt: The new courthouse’s design is neoclassical in style, with a large pedimented entry portico flanked by gently arcing symmetrical wings. The design incorporates modern security, sustainability and technological features necessary for a 21st-century federal courthouse, while integrating classical organizational, proportional and design elements. In addition, the design features a large formal public lawn with symmetrical plantings that will help both to create a sense of space and to focus the eye towards nearby panoramic views.
“GSA is excited to give the people of Huntsville a glimpse into what their future downtown will look like through this courthouse design,” said Kevin Kerns, Regional Commissioner for GSA’s Public Buildings Service Southeast Sunbelt Region. “GSA strives to provide a state-of-the-art facility that meets the long-term workspace and security needs of our partners in the Northern District of Alabama.”
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