Green Building Pioneers
Fentress Architects’ reputation as a pioneer in the field of sustainable design was established in the early 1990s with the completion of the Denver International Airport’s Passenger Terminal Complex and the Natural Resource Building in Olympia, Washington. Since then, Fentress has designed more than 50 LEED-certified buildings, valued at over $8 billion.
Sustainable Design Strategies
Integrated Approach to Sustainable Design
We believe good design is intrinsically sustainable. Our integrated design approach seeks to minimize environmental impact, while improving building performance and protecting local values, culture and biodiversity for the enjoyment of future generations.
Inside Fentress: Education & Best Practices
Among the senior staff at Fentress are numerous thought leaders, recognized by the profession and their peers as being at the forefront of fields including sustainable design. Over 30 members of our team are LEED-Accredited Professionals by the US Green Building Council and five are SITES-Accredited Professionals. Our commitment to sustainability extends beyond our projects to include the spaces in which we work. Our headquarters in Denver employs adaptive-reuse and features well-used bike racks and showers, efficient plumbing and lighting fixtures, and multiple gardens.
2030 Sustainability Plan
In 2005, Fentress Architects signed on to the AIA 2030 Commitment, which provides a rigorous guideline for climate action through energy efficient design and construction.